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Control Panel (screenshots)

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Admin Screen Shots

Admin Screen Shots

This is a screen shot of the page you come to when you enter the admin area. You can see all of your options to get you started whether you are creating a new "Fund It" or editing an existing one. Get the "Fund It" code to add to your website or you can manually add a donation, reset a "Fund It" or delete one that is not needed anymore.
(click screenshot for a bigger view)
Admin Screen Shots

This is a screen shot of the page where you create your "Fund It". Simply fill in the information and click generate and your "Fund It" on it will be available to use on as many websites as you like!
(click screenshot for a bigger view)
Admin Screen Shots

This is a screen shot of the page where you edit an existing "Fund It". You can change anything here and once you are done click on the update button. Any website that has this "Fund It" on it will automatically update!
(click screenshot for a bigger view)
Admin Screen Shots

This is a screen shot of the page where you get the code to place the widget of your choice on a website. You can see there are 3 to choose from, the first is the vertical, second is the horizontal and the third is the circular one. Just copy and paste the code onto your website.
(click screenshot for a bigger view)
Admin Screen Shots

This is a screen shot of the page where you add a donation manually "Fund It". Simply fill in the information and click submit and your "Fund It" will be automatically on every website it is on.
(click screenshot for a bigger view)